I would like to thank gatomoncat@hotmail.com for MaloMyotismon's Profile.
Malomyotismon Mega Digimon Attacks: Phantom Illusion, Crimson Mist, Screaming Darkness. Malomyotismon is another Mega version of Myotismon. After Venomyotismon was defeated 3 years ago he took over a humans body and managed to plot to weaken the Digital World. He made 2 digimon Arukenimon and Mummymon. He also got Ken's Dark Spore and copied it and put it into other children. These children's spores sprouted and flowers came. These flowers gave Myotismon the power to return as Malomyotismon. He sent the DD's except Davis who "doesn't have any worries" (what about Kari Davis!!) to their own personal dreams. With help from the Digimon they come back. All the DD's around the world use their digivices to create light. This makes Malomyotismon weaker. The Dark Spore children then have doubts and Darkness starts returning. But with encouragement from the DD's they see the light and get digimon and digivices and they help make Malomyotismon lose his body. His shadow form is then blasted by Imperialdramon and he is deleted.
Updated May 3, 2002