Here is the last part of the fic.
I don't own digimon it belongs to Toei-animation etc but I do own Cat and her
digi's please ask before using her or her digi's.
Beginning of A New Life (Trial and Tribulation)
Mastermon transported Myotismon and Cat to his illusion world, which was made
up of Cat's and Myotismon's fears. By blocking their fears they escaped
but Mastermon used their DNA to escape the illusion. His evil made
Myotismon digivolve to Venommyotismon. When getting beaten by Catmon Wargreymon
and Metalgarurumon, Mastermon used his evil to transport into Venommyotismon
making him stronger. Then he picked Cat up and almost killed her but
luckily the others Warp-digivolved to their Mega forms defeating
Venommyotismon. When Mastermon was gone Myotismon was back to his human
self. After apologizing to the children they went to Gennai. He also
accepted Myotismon now named Jules apology but stated the digimon council may
not so he would have to go on trial. Now the story continues.
Chapter 1
"But you can't put him on trial he hadn't any control of what he did when
he was Myotismon," protested Cat.
"No he's right I have to answer for my crimes," answered Jules.
"But.." gasped Cat.
"No buts what has to happen must its fate," replied Jules. "Gennai
where shall I go?"
"Follow me all of you, you will have to give evidence," said Gennai.
"I can't!" answered Cat. "He's my dad."
"You have to," replied Jules "It's the way it is."
"Oh well i.." stutted Cat.
"Do it!" exclaimed Jules.
"Ok but it doesn't mean that I have to like it," replied Cat.
They all followed Gennai until they came to a tall white building with a pair
of scales on its roof.
"Look at the scales it's my Crest symbol of Justice," exclaimed Cat.
"Yeah you are right Cat," answered Gennai. "If Justice is done
today your Crest will show it."
The group entered the court and two Bakemon immediately seized Jules. He
was taken to a cell in the courtroom as the others went and sat down.
"I hearby call this court into hearing the matter of the day is the trial
of Myotismon aka Jules," called a deep voice.
The lights went on and in the head seat was Gennai. To his left was
Leomon and to his right was Centarumon.
"We call Jules to the stand," said Leomon
Jules was taken from the cell and took to one of two witness stands.
"In the name of Justice to you promise to tell the truth the whole truth
and nothing but the truth?" asked Centarumon.
"I promise," answered Jules.
"We are ready to start then," stated Gennai. "Myotismon you are
charged with many crimes against the Digital and Human worlds in the bases of
this we are here today to either find you guilty or innocent of these
"With all due respect Gennai I am no longer Myotismon but Jules so would
the court recognize this?" said Jules.
"We the court recognize this and will change," answered Leomon.
"So first crime is in the Digital World where you first became Myotismon
from your human self, so I also now at this point call Cat to the stand,"
called Gennai.
Cat reluctantly got up and went to the other stand.
"In the name of Justice to you promise to tell the truth the whole truth
and nothing but the truth?" asked Centarumon.
"I promise," replied Cat.
"Can you recall when you first came to the Digital World with your
father?" asked Gennai.
"Yes I can this is what happened," answered Cat
"Me and my father were caught in some kind of electrical storm and the
next thing we knew we were here in the Digital World, except my dad Jules
absorbed a lot of radiation from the rift he then changed into Myotismon and
was about to kill me when Gennai saved me. I then got my digiegg and went
in search for my digivice.
"What happened after that?" asked Leomon.
"Hmm let me think a moment," said Cat. There was a pause then she
"Whilst I was walking on File Island a digimon called Demidevimon, a
servant of Myotismon attack me with his Demidart. I was saved by
Elecmon," replied Cat. "And after that my digiegg hatched and out
came Pukamon, she then digivolved to Harmonymon, I left Primary Village and found
a hut with another servant of Myotismon Witchmon, we asked her for help and we
found out that she called for Myotismon, Harmonymon digivolved into Lightmon,
we also found Witchmon had the Tag ready for my Crests by the time Myotismon
came we had gone."
"Did Myotismon come after you?" asked Leomon.
"Yes we went into the forest and hid in a tree he came past he nearly got
us but he missed where we were hiding," replied Cat. "We
carried on a while and lit a fire to keep warm but I was still a bit ill from the
Demidart Lightmon kept me warm."
"We woke up next morning to find some food and a blanket that had been
left for us, we carried on our journey and found some Litamon being worked by
Hedgemon another servant to Myotismon, we beat him but had to hurry to the
temple where Centarumon was. I got my digivice but Myotismon came so me and
Lightmon ran for it. He sent two digimon after us Tuskmon and
Snimon. Lightmon digivolved and beat them. I then found a Crest. We hid
until morning and then we went back to the Temple and carried on," she
"The court will take a break for a drink and a bite to eat and will return
in half an hour at 10.30," said Gennai.
The children and the digimon left the room as Jules was taken back to the cell
in the room.
Outside the courtroom Cat cried into Matt's shoulder.
"Hey it's ok Cat!" soothed Matt.
"Yeah Cat come on you're stronger than this," said Lightmon.
"After all we've been through you never broke down like this so why should
it change?"
Cat looked at Lightmon and smiled.
"You're right Lightmon I have to keep strong after all I probably won't be
the only one taking the stand we all have to be strong together and I've got to
set that example," answered Cat.
"That's my girl answered Sora. "Come on I'm thirsty."
They all had a drink and then went back into the courtroom and Cat was recalled
into the witness stand, as was Jules into the other.
Chapter 2
"We finished with you leaving the temple so what happened next?"
asked Leomon.
"Me and Lightmon were eating when we heard Bakemon, Lightmon digivolved
and defeated them I then got my next crest," replied Cat. "After that
Gennai told us we needed to come to Server where the other Crests were whilst
on the water on a raft a storm brew up it was not a normal storm it was intense.
Whamon saved me and we eventually got to Server. I found a third Crest. A while
later we were attacked by Gazimon, Lightmon beat them. We then went to the
Desert of Server. We went to the Oasis and stayed there but Myotismon found us.
Peacemon tried to battle him but she
was captured I ran but I too was captured and knocked into unconsciousness. We
were rescued by Piximon. He then trained us and we found more
crests. Later on Myotismon found Piximon's home and we battled Peacemon
digivolved to Ultimate. We went further into the desert and found two
more crests. We carried on and then met you Leomon. You took us to
a village with 7 in-training digimon in it. I now know it was
the Digidestineds digimon except for Gatomon. We found more Crests and then
were told that we had to go to Myotismon's castle to get the last crests.
When we got there he was waiting for us. He attacked Lightmon and then
started drinking my blood.
Piximon, Centarumon, Leomon, some Litamon and Elecmon. They helped me get
to the vault to get the last Crests. We battled Myotismon one more time
but he was saved by a Devidramon and Gatomon when she was under his
control. I was transported back
home by the power of the Crests.
"Is that all?" asked Centarumon
"For now," answered Cat.
"Very well go and sit down," he replied.
Cat went and sat.
"Jules can you tell us what happened next?" asked Gennai.
"Yes," he replied. "After I was saved by Gatomon and after Cat
and Lightmon left I spent time in my castle recuperating. Then when I found out
of the new digidestined of Tai and the others. I sent Demidevimon to
stall them finding each other after they split up when Tai was transported
home. The found each other and I went to stop them. I also found
out there was an eight child so I set out to the real world to destroy
her. Me and my forces went to earth to find her. I had to drink
human blood to feed. I made copies of
Tag and Crest and gave them to my forces. I took the entire section of
Odibah prisoner so that I could get the eight child. I found out Gatomon was
the eight digimon. When Kari gave herself up I was about to destroy her
when the digidestined came to save her.
Wizardmon sacrificed himself to save Kari and Gatomon. Then using the
digivice Gatomon digivolved to Angewomon and destroyed me. Using energy I
came back as Venommyotismon. I attacked the children again but they defeated
me. I was sent back to Primary Village and became a digiegg again. I
hatched and returned to my Myotismon state. I then started to go after
the digidestineds digimon.
"Is that all?" Centarumon asked.
"For now," he answered.
"Right then I call Cat and Lightmon to the stand," said Gennai.
Cat and Lightmon stood before the court.
"Will you tell us what happened next?" asked Leomon
"I'll try," answered Cat. "I received a message from Gennai
saying that I was needed, it was then I met the other digidestined.
Myotismon had captured their digimon.
"I was sat in a tree when I saw the digimon fighting Myotismon I went t
help but he was too powerful," said Lightmon. "The others told me to
run I wanted to stay but they made me I watched as he overcame them and took
them away."
"We all set out to help the digimon but Myotismon came, he defeated
Spiritpeacemon and took her back to his castle," continued Cat. "We
went to get the digimon back but when we got to his castle I offered myself to
save the digimon's lives. He agreed as I told the others to leave they
did and he was about to kill me when they came back. They digivolved but
were getting beat. They dedigivolved, but Agumon and Gabumon
warp-digivolved to their mega forms. They got beat but with everyone's
emotions Lightmon warp-digivolved to Catmon. She almost beat him but he
flew off. We all returned home but soon we were called back.
"That will be enough for now Cat we will have a lunch break and then
return," said Centarumon.
The group left the room. Cat sank into a chair in the corridor.
"You ok Cat?" asked Sora.
"I'll be fine when this is finished," she replied. "I'm
Gennai came from around the corner.
"Gennai how much longer is this going to be?" asked Cat.
"Well you have to continue and then we are calling Gatomon to the
stand," he replied.
"Me but why?" Gatomon asked.
"Because your name came up a lot in the court and you worked for
Myotismon," he answered.
Later the children went back into the Courtroom and continued the trial.
Chapter 3
"The next time we were in the Digital World we found out that there was a
prophecy," said Cat. "When the clock strikes 6pm on the 6th day of the
6th month the self proclaimed digimon king will transform back but he will
suffer before he does. While we were going to Myotismon's castle
something took control of me. I found myself in a place with
Myotismon. We saw another digimon called Mastermon he tried to get
Myotismon to destroy me but he wouldn't. We returned back to our
self-consciousness after realizing that it was an illusion made of our fears we
escaped. But when we reached Myotismon's castle. Mastermon escaped
the illusion by using mine and Myotismon's DNA. His evil made Myotismon
warp-digivolve to Venommyotismon. When he was getting beat Mastermon
transported himself into Venommyotismon. Then the digimon warp-digivolved
to their mega forms and beat him. But then there was no longer Myotismon
but Jules my dad."
"Right that is fine you may go and sit down," said Gennai.
"I call Gatomon to the stand," called Leomon.
Gatomon got up and went to the stand.
"In the name of Justice to you promise to tell the truth the whole truth
and nothing but the truth?" asked Centarumon.
"Yes I do," answered Gatomon.
"Gatomon will you tell us from how you met Myotismon?" asked Gennai.
"Ok," she replied. "I was a Salamon when I was walking through
the forest looking for who I belonged Kari. Whilst walking a black shadow
appeared with bats around him. It was Myotismon. He flew towards me
and I backed off. He spoke to me telling me that I had to go with
him. I tried to run away but his bats stopped me by blocking my
way. He came up from behind and gabbed me. I wriggled free but he
hit me with his Crimson Lightning. I fell unconscious, the next thing I
knew was in his castle. I stood up and I heard his voice. He
ordered me to follow him but I wouldn't. He hit me with his Crimson
Lightning. I looked at him with my eyes narrowed and he warned me that
everytime I looked at him with those eyes he'd have to hurt me.
"What happened next?" asked Leomon.
"I remember that I went out one night with some food and a blanket to find
the chosen child and her digimon," replied Gatomon. "I left the food
and blanket with them and went back to the castle. I was ordered to Myotismon
in his crypt where he tortured me. I still have one of the scars today on
my left paw. Later on he tortured me again. I was sent to spy for him which I
did. I decided to start some training. When I was training with Nanimon I
digivolved to Gatomon. I then saved Myotismon from Cat. We next
went to the human world where I was reminded by Kari's digivice and Wizardmon's
help of my true identity the 8th digimon. I went to find her Crest with
Wizardmon but we were caught by Myotismon. He took me hostage and threw
Wizardmon into the water. He took the children of Odibah hostage so I
could identify Kari but she was safe until she gave herself up to save the
others. Then the other digidestined arrived to save her. Wizardmon had
been saved and took a deathblow meant for me and Kari. I digivolved and
defeated him. Later on we discovered he had warp-digivolved to Venommyotismon.
Agumon and Gabumon eventually warp-digivolved to there Mega forms and defeated
him. Cat has already explained what happened next."
"The court will have a time out to make it's decision does the defendant
have anything to say before we make our decision?" asked Centarumon.
"Yes I do," replied Jules. "I want to apologize for the things I
have done in the past and I hope that the court can forgive me even though
justice has to be done."
Tai and the group left the courtroom and went to grab a drink.
"What do you think they will do?" asked Cat
"I don't know to be honest," replied Gatomon. "He is changed he
deserves a chance."
"We know that but will they think he has changed?" asked Tai
"Who know?" replied Matt. "Who knows?"
The hours ticked past until Gennai came around the corner.
"It is time," he said.
Chapter 4
"It is clear that you have been found guilty of the charges against you
and we will now pass sentence," said Leomon. "You will be taken
from this court and locked up in the tower block of your old castle for the
rest of your life."
Cat looked in horror as this was said.
"No this isn't justice you said Gennai that if justice was done my crest
would show it but it isn't glowing," answered Cat.
"She has a point," replied Matt.
"Yeah you said so Gennai," said Kari.
"He deserves another chance," said Gatomon
"So I did but what are we supposed to do let him go?" questioned
"Sounds good to me," replied Cat.
"Well if we do let him go he has to leave the Digital World forever,"
answered Gennai.
"Ok if that's the deal I'll take it," said Jules.
"Very well you must leave now," ordered Centarumon.
They all left the court and went to Gennai's house. Cat opened the port
with her digivice.
"Ok it's ready," replied Cat.
Jules walked through the port.
"It's time we were going again," stated Sora.
"Yeah bye Agumon," shouted Tai.
"Bye Bye Palmon," cooed Mimi.
"See ya later Biyo," called Sora.
"Later Gabumon," said Matt.
"Give us a hug Gatomon," called Kari.
"Bye Patamon I'll miss ya," Tk told Patamon.
"Bye Tentomon," shouted Izzy.
"See you around and remember if you need me I'm always there for you
Lightmon," cried Cat. "See ya everyone."
"Bye," shouted the digimon.
The port shut behind Cat as the Cat began her life again with her father.
He was banished from the Digital World but would her ever return?
I'm planning to do another fic so it can tie in with Season 2. But when i'll
get around to it i'm not sure.